
April Featured Books

The Common Core Companions

The Common Core Companions in ELA and Math, Grades K-12
The Common Core Companions provide a roadmap of what each standard says, what each standard means, and how precisely to put that standard into day-to-day practice across Math and English Language Arts.

Blended Learning, Grades 4-12

Blended Learning, Grades 4-12 by Catlin Tucker
Catlin Tucker outlines the process for integrating online discussion with face-to-face instruction in a way that is aligned to the Common Core State Standards, works for your students, and allows you to focus your energy where it is most needed.

April Chapter Introduction Part I [Video]

April Chapter Introduction Part II [Video]

April Calendar [PDF]

Student Interviews About Behavior [PDF]

The First ACT: Differentiating Mentoring Conversations [PDF]

Monthly Needs Assessment Sample with Standards [PDF]

ACT 1: Novice Teacher Goals [PDF]

ACT 6: Student Contract [PDF]