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Student Resources
Text Structures From the Masters
Gretchen Bernabei
Jennifer Koppe
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Student Resources
Lesson 1: Stepping Up to a New Role (Source Document: Hippocratic Oath)
Lesson 2: Can’t We Just Get Along? (Source Document: Speech to Captain John Smith)
Lesson 3: Team Promise (Source Document: Mayflower Compact)
Lesson 4: Humble Request for Help (Source Document: Plymouth Plantation)
Lesson 5: No, Thank You (Source Document: Letter to William and Mary College, The Indians of the Six Nations)
Lesson 6: Lighting a Fire Under a Procrastinator (Source Document: Speech, Patrick Henry)
Lesson 7: How Bullying Works (Source Document: “Journal of a Lady of Quality”)
Lesson 8: Problem- Solution Message (Source Document: Declaration of Independence)
Lesson 9: Time for a Real Solution (Source Document: Common Sense (Excerpts), Thomas Paine)
Lesson 10: Letter From Home (Source Document: Letter to Her Husband John Adams, Abigail Adams)
Lesson 11: How Bad Is It? (A Description) (Source Document: Letter to George Washington, Benjamin Rush)
Lesson 12: Reprimanding a Group (Source Document: Speech to Angry Officers, General George Washington
Lesson 13: Purposes of an Action (Source Document: Preamble to the Constitution)
Lesson 14: Charm Check (Source Document: "The Star Spangled Banner," Francis Scott Key)
Lesson 15: S.O.S. (Source Document: "Victory or Death" Letter From the Alamo, William B. Travis)
Lesson 16: Sightseeing (Source Document: Observations on a Steamboat Between Pittsburgh and Cincinnati,” American Notes, Charles Dickens)
Lesson 17: Tour of an Unfamiliar Place (Source Document: “Factory Life,” Labor Reformer)
Lesson 18: Breaking Into a Heated Argument (Source Document: "Ain't I a Woman?" Speech, Sojourner Truth)
Lesson 19: Controversial Decision (Source Document: Emancipation Proclamation, Abraham Lincoln)
Lesson 20: At the Moment of a Milestone (Source Document: Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln)
Lesson 21: We’re Both Wrong; We’re Both Right (Source Document: Second Inaugural Address, Abraham Lincoln)
Lesson 22: Letter to an Author (Source Document: Letter to Harriet Beecher Stowe, Frederick Douglass)
Lesson 23: Fighting Unfairness With Logic (Source Document: "Women's Rights to the Suffrage" Speech, Susan B. Anthony)
Lesson 24: Valuable Advice (Source Document: Advice to Youth" Speech, Mark Twain)
Lesson 25: Comforting a Friend in Pain (Source Document: Letter to a Friend, Henry James)
Lesson 26: I Want More (While I Have the Chance) (Source Document: Letter to Professor Baird, William G. Hornaday)
Lesson 27: First Earnings (Source Document: Hard Times Cotton Mill Girls, Bertha Miller)
Lesson 28: My Symbol (Source Document: The Pledge of Allegiance)
Lesson 29: Narrative: Just the Facts (Source Document: On Lynchings (Excerpt) Ida B. Wells-Barnett
Lesson 30: Letter of Recommendation (Source Document: Letter to Jessie Gladden, Clara Barton)
Lesson 31: Why Something Goes Viral (Source Document: “A Modern Day Devil Baby,” (American Journal of Sociology, 20(1), 117-–118), Jane Addams)
Lesson 32: Understanding the Scars of Our Elders (Source Document: “Remembering Slavery” (Excerpt), Tonea Stewart)
Lesson 33: Objects of Affection (Source Document: "The Pleasure of Books," William Lyon Phelps)
Lesson 35: How an Experience Changed Me (Source Document: It’s a Great Life, Robert L. Miller)
Lesson 36: A Bad Situation A Lot of Us Are In (Source Document: “I’d Rather Not Be on Relief,” Lester Hunter Song)
Lesson 37: Picking Up the Pieces (Source Document: Pearl Harbor Address to the Nation, Franklin Delano Roosevelt)
Lesson 38: Heads Up From Your Wingman (Source Document: Letter to Her Husband, Eleanor Roosevelt)
Lesson 39: How Do I Mean? Well . . . (Source Document: “I Love You” Letter, Ayn Rand)
Lesson 40: My Advice About Your Strong Feeling (Source Document: Letter to His Son Thom, John Steinbeck)
Lesson 41: Pep Talk (Source Document: Inaugural Address, John F. Kennedy)
Lesson 42: Memory Reflection (Source Document: Black Like Me (Excerpt), John Howard Griffin)
Lesson 43: Parting Advice to Your Replacement (Source Document: "Duty, Honor, Country," General Douglas MacArthur)
Lesson 44: Bon Voyage (Source Document: Letter to His Astronaut Son, Scott Carpenter)
Lesson 45: I Feel Your Pain (Source Document: “Ich bin ein Berliner” Speech, John F. Kennedy)
Lesson 46: Flashpoint Moment of Truth (Source Document: “And We Shall Overcome", Lyndon B. Johnson)
Lesson 47: Walking the Walk to Make a Difference (Source Document: “Lessons of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,” Cesar Chavez)
Lesson 48: Using a Story to Make a Point (Source Document: Nobel Lecture (Abridged), Toni Morrison)
Lesson 49: New Perspectives From a Photo (Source Document: "Pale Blue Dot" Speech, Carl Sagan)
Lesson 50: So You’ll Know Me After I’m Gone (Source Document: Letter to My Sons (Preface), Lieutenant Colonel Mark Weber)
Text Structures
Character Project Assignment Tracking Sheet
Lesson Correlations to Literary Devices PLUS TEKS Alignment Grid
Lesson 25: Comforting a Friend in Pain (Source Document: Letter to a Friend, Henry James)
Planning Page and Source Document
Annotated versions of the source docs
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