Back Matter
In general, appendices appear at the back of a book and provide readers with additional information about or elaboration on the main text. In Corwin books, appendices often take the form of practitioner resources—practical tools, templates, or quick-reference materials that educators can take away and use as they implement programs and strengthen their practice. Appendices may also include full lesson plans that are too lengthy to be included in the body of the main text or supplemental information about relevant educational laws or standards. The particular format of the appendices will vary depending on the nature of the material that’s being presented; some examples of possible formats include checklists, rubrics, surveys, assessments, tracking forms, and standards matrices. Please provide a title for each resource you’re including and label each item with consecutive alpha letters (A, B, etc.).
Sample Appendix #1.pdf
Sample Appendix #2.pdf
Sample Appendix #3.pdf
Thorough reference documentation is a required practice in publishing. A comprehensive references section provides readers with a list of relevant resources that will enhance their understanding of the material in your book and the field at large. All references should be as current as possible, unless they are referring the reader to a classic or seminal work. An outdated references list may easily dissuade a customer from purchasing your book, so please keep this in mind as you determine which research you will draw from and cite throughout the manuscript.
As you write your manuscript, create a list of all print and electronic sources so you can keep track of all reference entries. If you cite a specific study or publication, be sure to provide complete bibliographic information in your reference section. An entry in the reference section should include the author, title, date of publication, page numbers, volume number (for journals), publishing company, and city. Be sure to also include issue numbers for journals and page ranges for chapters in edited books. For citations and references, Corwin follows the style described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition (APA, 2009), but keep in mind that your copyeditor will check over your references list to make sure nothing is missing and to ensure that the style is consistent and correct.
For most Corwin titles, the references list appears at the back of the book. However, for edited books, references typically appear at the end of each chapter. If you have any questions about the placement of your references list, please consult with your editorial team.
If you use numerous terms that are likely to be unfamiliar to your readers, defining these terms in the body of the text may be unwieldy. A glossary enables you to provide a separate section of terms and their definitions. In addition, this feature may help to set your book apart from the competition. Check with your editorial team to determine whether or not a glossary is appropriate for your book.
Most Corwin titles include an index, which is typically prepared by a professional indexer. You can facilitate the process by developing a list of key words that should appear in the index, but please check with your editorial team for guidance before putting this together.