Ancillary Preparation
Book ancillaries are digital resources that are designed to supplement and enhance a reader’s experience of your print book. Corwin titles are made available to customers in both print and eBook format, and ancillaries are supplemental digital materials that typically take the form of book companion websites. These companion websites offer readers materials that complement and extend beyond the scope of your print book, and they are developed on a case-by-case basis for select Corwin titles. Materials that are commonly included on an ancillary website include any and all of the following: video and audio clips, lesson plans, blank forms and templates, figures and tables, and additional materials that you and your editorial team think would be helpful for your readers. To view a sample of a Corwin book companion website, click here and enter the password “planning”.
If you are interested in developing ancillary products for your book, follow up with your acquisitions editor to discuss the possibilities. If a companion website has been approved for your book and you’re in the process of developing it, please refer to the preparation guidelines provided below.
Guidelines for Developing a Companion Website
- Before you begin drafting your manuscript, contact your acquisitions editor to determine what types of materials should be included on your book’s companion website. It is ideal for ancillary planning to begin as early as possible in the writing process so you’re able to develop ideas for your website at the same time that you’re developing your book. If you wait until you’ve already finalized your manuscript to consider plans for the companion website, it’s more likely that the assets on your website will feel as if they were just tacked on at the last moment; developing the book and website plans concurrently will give you the opportunity to integrate the two in a more thoughtful manner.
- When you submit your draft manuscript to your acquisitions editor, also include a draft outline of the proposed contents for your companion website, along with a sampling of some of the actual material that you would like to appear on the site. This will give your editorial team enough time to look over both the draft manuscript and the draft ancillary materials to determine whether revisions will be required.
- At this point, your editorial team may decide that input from peer reviewers on the proposed ancillary material might be helpful and will send the draft outline of proposed content, along with the draft manuscript, to the peer reviewers. In other situations, your editorial team may decide that adding a question related to ancillaries to the reviewer questionnaire will suffice. In either case, your editorial team will discuss this with you.
- Once reviewer feedback has been received, consider the reviewer comments on both your manuscript and your proposed ancillary plan. Are the assets you’ve proposed resonating with reviewers or are there other materials they would like to see included? Is there consensus among the reviewers as far as what should be included on the companion website, or do the reviewers’ opinions differ depending on their position and background? As you discuss plans for revising your manuscript with your acquisitions editor, also talk to them about your ancillary plan to determine whether or not you will need to make revisions there as well.
- Determine which sections of your website will include materials that are fully created by you and that will be delivered to Corwin in web-ready format versus sections that will need to be copyedited and formatted by our production and design team. You may have extra time to prepare materials that fall into the former category; materials that fall into the latter category will need to be delivered to Corwin when your final manuscript is submitted. Please discuss the overall timeframe with your editorial team.
- As you are finalizing your ancillary materials, ask your editorial assistant or associate editor to send you the template for a companion website table of contents. With instructions from your editorial team, fill out the template to reflect the final contents of your site.
- Submit the following materials by the final manuscript due date specified in your contract: your final manuscript, your completed and final website table of contents, and any website assets that need to be sent to the Corwin production team.