Planning Resources

Using Exit Tickets as Evidence

This PDF document describes a way to sort exit tickets to inform your work for the next day.

› PDF icon 03.3_Using Exit Tickets as Evidence.pdf

Video: Exit Ticket Sort

In this video, a sixth-grade teacher demonstrates how she uses exit tickets as evidence of how well her students are meeting the success criteria and to help her plan for the next day. (See the resource, "Using Exit Tickets as Evidence.") Afterward, you’ll hear some commentary on the teacher’s process. It might be helpful to read about evidence in Chapter 3 prior to watching this video.

Guiding Questions for Formative Assessment

These guiding questions are designed to help you plan for embedding formative assessment practices in your lesson.

03.4_Guiding Questions_Formative Assessment.pdf

Formative Assessment Planner Templates

These templates can be used for creating a formative assessment plan for a lesson.

03.5_Formative Assessment Planner Templates.pdf