TLC Conference

Teaching | Learning | Coaching Conference

The 2014 Teaching | Learning | Coaching Conference has sold out!

SAVE THE DATE: October 26-28, 2015! Sign up and get early notification when the 2015 Teaching | Learning | Coaching Conference registration is open at

Explore how whole school reform is enhanced when principals, teachers, and coaches use team planning, effective workshops, and effective support to improve student learning.

Participants will:

  1. Understand effective instructional coaching techniques
  2. Learn to build healthy relationships and foster commitment with fellow educators through instructional coaching
  3. Take away strategies for effficiently conducting classroom observation, teacher enrollment, debriefing, and modeling inside and outside the classroom
  4. Attain leadership skills that will encourage school-wide reform, build consistency, and spread ideas across schools

Check out details from the 2014 Teaching | Learning | Coaching Conference at