Diane Sweeney and Leanna Harris, whose best-selling books have influenced the practice of thousands of K-12 coaches, frame how Student-Centered Coaching serves as an evidence-based model of professional learning that focuses on student outcomes. Shifting the focus from “fixing” teachers to partnering with them to reach goals for student learning takes coaching to the heart of what matters most in schools. The Essential Guide for Student-Centered Coaching includes all-new material that is grounded in the latest research and the authors’ extensive experience in the field of coaching. In it, readers will find
- An emphasis on how coaching can be asset-based and focused on equity
- Current research in adult learning and professional development
- Examples of how to integrate curriculum into coaching cycles
- Anecdotes that illustrate what Student-Centered Coaching looks like across grade levels and content areas
Designed to accompany Student-Centered Coaching: The Moves (Corwin, 2017) and Leading Student-Centered Coaching (2019),The Essential Guide for Student-Centered Coaching provides the reader with a clear vision for how coaching can promote both teacher and student learning.
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